Package | |
Type | CodeSystem |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R3 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 0.2.0 |
Status | draft |
Date | 2018-08-17T00:00:00+10:00 |
Name | AnatomicalDirectionCS |
Title | BC AnatomicalDirectionCS CodeSystem |
Experimental | False |
Realm | us |
Authority | hl7 |
Description | Anatomical location or specimen further detailing directionality. Codes are from NCI |
Content | complete |
ValueSet | |
cimi-element-AnatomicalDirectionVS ![]() | BC AnatomicalDirectionVS ValueSet |
No resources found
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
BC AnatomicalDirectionCS CodeSystem
Anatomical location or specimen further detailing directionality. Codes are from NCI
"resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
"id" : "cimi-element-AnatomicalDirectionCS",
"text" : {
"status" : "generated",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\">\n<p><b>BC AnatomicalDirectionCS CodeSystem</b></p>\n<p>Anatomical location or specimen further detailing directionality. Codes are from NCI</p>\n</div>"
"url" : "",
"identifier" : {
"system" : "",
"value" : "cimi.element.AnatomicalDirectionCS"
"version" : "0.2.0",
"name" : "AnatomicalDirectionCS",
"title" : "BC AnatomicalDirectionCS CodeSystem",
"status" : "draft",
"date" : "2018-08-17T00:00:00+10:00",
"publisher" : "The HL7 Cancer Interoperability Group sponsored by Clinical Interoperability Council Work Group (CIC)",
"contact" : [
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : ""
"description" : "Anatomical location or specimen further detailing directionality. Codes are from NCI",
"caseSensitive" : true,
"content" : "complete",
"count" : 31,
"concept" : [
"code" : "C25231",
"display" : "ANTERIOR Denoting the front portion of the body or a structure.",
"definition" : "ANTERIOR Denoting the front portion of the body or a structure."
"code" : "C25423",
"display" : "APICAL Relating to or located at the apex.",
"definition" : "APICAL Relating to or located at the apex."
"code" : "C90067",
"display" : "BASAL Relating to or located at the lowest portion of a structure.",
"definition" : "BASAL Relating to or located at the lowest portion of a structure."
"code" : "C73851",
"display" : "CAUDAL Toward the tail in a body.",
"definition" : "CAUDAL Toward the tail in a body."
"code" : "C25445",
"display" : "CENTRAL A point or area that is approximately central within some larger region or structure.",
"definition" : "CENTRAL A point or area that is approximately central within some larger region or structure."
"code" : "C37936",
"display" : "CRANIAL Toward the head in a body.",
"definition" : "CRANIAL Toward the head in a body."
"code" : "C25240",
"display" : "DEEP Extending relatively far inward.",
"definition" : "DEEP Extending relatively far inward."
"code" : "C25237",
"display" : "DISTAL Situated farthest from a point of reference.",
"definition" : "DISTAL Situated farthest from a point of reference."
"code" : "C45874",
"display" : "DORSAL Pertaining to the back or upper surface of the body.",
"definition" : "DORSAL Pertaining to the back or upper surface of the body."
"code" : "C90376",
"display" : "DORSOLATERAL Toward the back and side of a body.",
"definition" : "DORSOLATERAL Toward the back and side of a body."
"code" : "C90386",
"display" : "FORE Of or involving the front of a main body.",
"definition" : "FORE Of or involving the front of a main body."
"code" : "C90393",
"display" : "HIND Of or involving the back of a main body.",
"definition" : "HIND Of or involving the back of a main body."
"code" : "C25353",
"display" : "INFERIOR Pertaining to a point below a given reference point.",
"definition" : "INFERIOR Pertaining to a point below a given reference point."
"code" : "C37980",
"display" : "INNER Inside or closer to the inside of the body or object.",
"definition" : "INNER Inside or closer to the inside of the body or object."
"code" : "C73705",
"display" : "INTERMEDIATE Located between two points or extremes.",
"definition" : "INTERMEDIATE Located between two points or extremes."
"code" : "C25309",
"display" : "LOWER The bottom one of two.",
"definition" : "LOWER The bottom one of two."
"code" : "C25232",
"display" : "MEDIAL Toward the middle or in a limb toward the median plane.",
"definition" : "MEDIAL Toward the middle or in a limb toward the median plane."
"code" : "C81170",
"display" : "MIDLINE A medial line, especially the medial line or medial plane of the body (or some part of the body).",
"definition" : "MIDLINE A medial line, especially the medial line or medial plane of the body (or some part of the body)."
"code" : "C27958",
"display" : "NASAL Of, or related to, or in the direction of the nose.",
"definition" : "NASAL Of, or related to, or in the direction of the nose."
"code" : "C38166",
"display" : "OUTER Being on or toward the outside of the body or object.",
"definition" : "OUTER Being on or toward the outside of the body or object."
"code" : "C25233",
"display" : "PERIPHERAL On or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary;the outer area.",
"definition" : "PERIPHERAL On or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary;the outer area."
"code" : "C25622",
"display" : "POSTERIOR Denoting the back portion of the body or a structure.",
"definition" : "POSTERIOR Denoting the back portion of the body or a structure."
"code" : "C94393",
"display" : "ROSTRAL Toward the muzzle in the head.",
"definition" : "ROSTRAL Toward the muzzle in the head."
"code" : "C25239",
"display" : "SUPERFICIAL Of or pertaining to the exterior surface.",
"definition" : "SUPERFICIAL Of or pertaining to the exterior surface."
"code" : "C25235",
"display" : "SUPERIOR Pertaining to a point above a given reference point.",
"definition" : "SUPERIOR Pertaining to a point above a given reference point."
"code" : "C25245",
"display" : "SURFACE The extended two-dimensional outer layer or area of a three-dimensional object.",
"definition" : "SURFACE The extended two-dimensional outer layer or area of a three-dimensional object."
"code" : "C117754",
"display" : "TEMPORAL Of, or related to, anatomic sites that are located in the cranium, brain, and eye.",
"definition" : "TEMPORAL Of, or related to, anatomic sites that are located in the cranium, brain, and eye."
"code" : "C90069",
"display" : "TIP The pointed end of a structure.",
"definition" : "TIP The pointed end of a structure."
"code" : "C25355",
"display" : "UPPER The top one of two.",
"definition" : "UPPER The top one of two."
"code" : "C45875",
"display" : "VENTRAL Pertaining to the front or lower surface of the body.",
"definition" : "VENTRAL Pertaining to the front or lower surface of the body."
"code" : "C98798",
"display" : "VENTROLATERAL Of or pertaining to the front and side of a main body.",
"definition" : "VENTROLATERAL Of or pertaining to the front and side of a main body."
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